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What to Expect With Air Duct Cleaning Service

12/18/2016 Back To Blog

If you own an air duct system and want to know exactly what having it cleaned will entail, you might find this brief introduction helpful. Here we want to provide you a good idea of what you can expect from a professional air duct cleaning service.What to Expect With Air Duct Cleaning Service

How Long It Takes

This can vary somewhat between certain circumstances and cleaning needs. Homes with pets for example, will likely have air ducts that require more time than homes without. Air ducts that have not been cleaned for longer periods of time will have greater buildups, so will take longer. To give you a very rough idea, a reasonably dirty duct within an average sized home may take 2 - 3 hours. A duct with significant build up could take a two man team longer than four hours. If you need any air duct parts repaired, this will also add time. 

Parts That Are Cleaned

Within every air duct system there are typically three key areas that require attention. These are the return and supply grills, return and supply vents and the HVAC system. The clearing of dirt from the grills and vents as well as the HVAC unit cleaning are all essential to ensure the device works harmoniously. If any of these sections are inadequately cleaned, dirt and mold can spread from one area to another. This is often the case when amateurs attempt to perform a residential duct cleaning by themselves. However, long term improvements can only be achieved with the correct cleaning techniques and processes.  

Is it messy?

Professional technicians should always be equipped with the necessary tools that prevent the job from creating any mess around your property. The messiest parts of the process can be air duct filter replacements and grill cleans, but even these stages can be controlled. Our air duct specialists will have advanced vacuums that can remove almost any kind of dust and dirt without causing any damage to your surfaces.   

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Blog | What to Expect With Air Duct Cleaning Service